Home / Mechanical models / Drift Cobra Racing Car
Code 70161

Drift Cobra Racing Car

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  • Description
    Reviews (5)

    Legendary convertible - Drift Cobra Racing Car

    We are pleased to present you a wooden 3D puzzle by Ugears brand - Drift Cobra Racing Car. The two-seater convertible made of wood has become an exact copy of the legendary Shelby Cobra 427. Of course, almost every one of us has already watched the fascinating story of the origin and unsurpassed competition of this car with Ferrari in the movie "Ford vs. Ferrari" (if you haven't, do it while building, the experience will be even more intense), so it will be easy to appreciate the power and beauty of the model.

    Features of the 3D puzzle by Ugears

    The mechanical model from the Ukrainian brand Ugears is a real work of art. You will not only get an exact copy of a retro car, but you will also be able to see the car in action. How? The designers have done everything possible to ensure that you and your child have the opportunity to start the model and appreciate the unsurpassed drifting.

    Mechanical features:

    • front wheels rotate;

    • doors open;

    • hood and trunk open;

    • spring engine;

    • ratchet mechanism.

    So, the car is assembled and ready for demonstration. All you need to do is open the hood, find the engine start knob, and then bring the spring to full readiness. The ratchet mechanism eliminates the need to hold the handle with each revolution, saving potential energy. Find a flat surface and watch the Cobra go the distance. And if you want to drive, just turn the wheels and send the car into a side skid.

    Benefits of Drift Cobra Racing Car for children and adults

    Ugears mechanical wooden construction sets can be considered unique creative sets. This 3D set belongs to models of increased complexity, so you need to plan about 9 hours to complete it. But the time is worth the result! Each piece is made of thin, high-quality plywood. You do not need any auxiliary tools, everything you need to work is already in the box.

    What will the wooden 3D construction set teach you?

    The Drift Cobra Racing Car is designed for children aged 14 and up. Therefore, such a gift will be an ideal opportunity to distract your son (or daughter, why not?) from the gadget and plunge into the creative world of construction. The construction set will teach you to:

    • to think logically - the set is designed to train rational thinking and logic, so the exact sciences will be much easier for the child

    • to be more persevering - of course, it is not necessary to assemble the Drift Cobra Racing Car at one time. But you won't even notice how two or three hours will pass by while doing something fun with your child

    • be attentive - 3D puzzle is hardly a simple toy, because to achieve the desired result, you will have to be attentive, persistent and determined.

    Ugears will teach you to always achieve your goals. You can assemble a car only if you set a goal and stubbornly pursue it. 

    The best construction sets only at WoodLogic

    Our online store WoodLogic offers to buy a mechanical construction set made of wood from the Ukrainian brand Ugears. To order, just use the virtual shopping cart or call our consultants. Please note that delivery in Slovakia is free!

    3D puzzle will be the best gift for a holiday or for no reason at all for children and adults. We will help you plunge into the incredibly interesting world of construction with the Ugears wooden mechanical construction set.


    Brand Ugears
    Сollection Cars
    Level Advanced
    Assembly time 7.5 - 12
    Number of components 370
    Model Size 25.5x21x11.5 cm
    Package Size 37.8x17x3.3 cm
    Weight, kg 0,496
    PDF instruction
    Skvelý model! Dokonca by som povedal, že je to jeden z mojich najlepších modelov. Pekná konštrukcia, skvelý návod. Špeciálne poďakovanie za kovový motor a voľnobeh. Odporúčam a čakám na podobné modely so železným motorom)
    Velka zabava. Perfektny model.
    Je to určite super a modely Ugears sa vždy veľmi pekne zbierajú. A pružinový motor je skutočne jednoznačnou revolúciou, pretože gumové motory nakoniec strácajú svoj výkon, gumičky sa trhajú, naťahujú a t.ď.

    Bolo by super implementovať model s elektromotorom s diaľkovým ovládaním. Dalo by to veľa emócií! Napríklad v mojom roadsteri vm01 je dostatok miesta na umiestnenie takejto jednotky. Ovládanie je možné implementovať prostredníctvom aplikácie v telefóne. Podľa môjho názoru by bolo nádherné mať drevené modely automobilov s diaľkovým ovládaním.
    Skôr Burnout Cobra ako drift - Američania v tom čase nevedeli o driftovaní) Jeden z najsilnejších a najpohodlnejších pre zostavenie modely. Všetky uzly fungujú, prevodový stupni nevyletujú, ozubené kolesá sedia pevne. Riadiace zariadenie je silné a spoľahlivé, hlavnou vecou je dobre leštiť a rozmazávať. Potešili ma inštrukcie a postupnosť montáže - ilustrácie všetko jasne vysvetľujú a výberom požadovaného čísla dielu sa nemusíte nadmerne namáhať.
    V komentároch k elektromotoru bol ponúknutý skvelý nápad! K tomu by bolo super prísť s vlastnou aplikáciou pre telefón, ktorá vám umožní ovládať všetky modely vášho vývoja, ktoré majú elektromotor
    Veľmi cool model. Dizajn je kozmický, naozaj najlepšie dostupné auto. Proces montáže je pohodlný a pomerne jednoduchý, s výnimkou niektorých bodov. Pružina je veľmi cool nápad, s modelom sa môžete pohrať aj po montáži. Chcem tiež poznamenať otvor, ktorý spočíva na gumičkách - je to úžasný nález.
    V pokynoch nie sú žiadne chyby, čo je tiež dobré.
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