Home / Mechanical 3D puzzles UGEARS - STEM Lab series / Pendulum
Code 70133


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  • Description
    Reviews (2)

    Educational 3D puzzle Pendulum by Ugears STEM Lab. Discover in AR

    Experiment: the model comes with QR-code to a Pocket Model’s Study Guide with a creation story and mechanism design as well as engaging and interesting tasks.

    Immerse yourself in Augmented Reality (AR), find out how the pendulum is used in a clock mechanism, and interact with it via the dedicated Ugears application.

    Learn how the Pendulum works

    The Pendulum is a stylised educational model, an interactive study guide to the mechanism, only for learning its essentials and principles of working. The pendulum is one of the basic and most reliable time measuring mechanisms. Its working principle is based on the model's constant amplitude oscillation under the force of gravity (weight) and potential energy (tension force) of the rubber band. The rubber band powers the mechanism of the model and compensates for the pendulum's oscillations' kinetic energy loss. The device is animated by means of gear unit with a windup wheel.

    The model has an anchor escapement controlling the frequency of oscillations, a weight, a scape-wheel, gearing, rubber band, ratchet, and pawl reducing operation error. The model has several means to control the frequency of oscillations: the weight of the pendulum bob, the vertical position of the weight on the pendulum, and the tension of the rubber band.


    Pendulums are mainly used in mechanical clocks as an element of a launch mechanism and the way to provide a steady rate. In the musical sphere, metronomes that have pendulums as their chief constructional element, help musicians practice playing to a regular tempo. Pendulums are also used in geological surveying, seismography, sports, and laboratory research in mechanics and physics.

    The Pendulum is developed to serve as a learning tool rather than a puzzle. Just like the rest of Ugear’s collections, putting STEM-lab models together is fun and comprehensive: everything you need to build, learn, and discover comes in a box.

    There you will find:

    • High-quality wooden boards with pre-cut details and other standard supplies. Assembly requires no glue or additional tools. The details come out of the boards with a slight push.

    • Detailed step-by-step color instruction manual. Easy to follow – easy to learn.

    • Examples and suggestions for your fun hands-on projects.

    • QR-code to Pocket Model’s Study Guide (the Pendulum Essentials with a description of the mechanism, principle of working, main characteristics, definitions, and formulas).

    • QR-code to Ugears AR Application. New exciting features from Ugears to make your learning experience even more fascinating!


    Assembly time 1.5 - 2
    Brand Ugears
    Number of components 92
    Model Size 11.5x8.3x16.7 cm
    Package Size 20.5x18.8x6.3 cm
    Weight, kg 0,452
    PDF instruction
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