Home / Mechanical models / Retro Car UGR-T
Code 70175

Retro Car UGR-T

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  • Description
    Reviews (3)

    Achievements of the last century - Retro Car UGR-T 

    Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a retro car, let alone start collecting them. This statement is true, but only when it comes to real cars. The Ugears brand will allow you to become the owner of an impressive collection, and this handsome Retro Car UGR-T will be the start of it.

    What is a 3D puzzle?

    Retro Car UGR-T will allow you to plunge into the world of old cars. They didn't lock, had a manual window opening mechanism, a multi-seat front seat, retractable headlights, and a real steering wheel that made you feel like you were driving a car, not playing with toys. Classic cars had a simple, "wooden" interior, without an endless number of switches and buttons. That's what a classic car is. 

    Ugears designers have created just such a model that will impress you with its detail and attention to every feature. While putting together this 3D puzzle, you will be able to see how incredible the construction will be when you finally reach the goal - realistic, transparent, and mobile. 

    Features of the construction set

    Retro Car UGR-T has received:

    • 4-cylinder engine

    • a hood that rises

    • doors that open with special locks

    • pendulum, which is necessary to imitate the rumble of the engine

    • movable steering wheel and front wheels

    • folding roof made of fabric

    • spare tire

    • a manual transmission that allows you to use the front, rear and neutral gears.

    In order to set the model in motion, you need to set the Start/Stop button to the Stop position. Use the built-in key under the chassis to start the engine spring mechanism. Place the car on a flat surface and press Start.

    Advantages of the Ugears 3D wooden puzzle

    The Ugears wooden construction set is ideal for both children and adults. Retro Car UGR-T has an increased level of difficulty, which we recommend taking into account when choosing. You can get the finished car in about 7 hours from the start of work. While working with the car, you and your child develop attention, memory, logic, and get the opportunity to achieve results through their stubbornness and perseverance. He also spends time with his parents in a fun and useful way, enjoying the process and the finished full-fledged toy. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the construction set in the near future.

    Order Retro Car UGR-T

    In our store you can order Retro Car UGR-T. Please note that we have free shipping throughout Slovakia. We will help you get the desired gift as soon as possible and start a wonderful journey into the world of old and exquisite cars. The Ugears wooden construction set is made of high quality wood. The set includes everything you need for assembly. There is no need to purchase adhesives or other auxiliary tools. Make the best gift to your loved ones, buy the 3D puzzle Ugears in our WoodLogic store.


    Brand Ugears
    Сollection Cars
    Level Medium
    Assembly time 7.5 - 12
    Number of components 337
    Model Size 26.5x12.5x14.4 cm
    Package Size 37,8x17x3,6 cm
    Weight, kg 0,707
    PDF instruction
    Skvelý model! S procesom montáže som bol rovnako spokojný ako s výsledkom! Dôležité je ľahké brúsenie všetkých trecích častí, či už sú to ozubené kolesá, podmienené ložiská alebo roviny, na ktorých budú spočívať. Tým pádom mi fungujú všetky mechanizmy. Auto jazdí, všetky prevody fungujú, mechanizmy sa nezasekávajú. Na mazanie uzlín som namiesto parafínu použil vazelínu a injekčnú striekačku s ihlou.
    Obrovským plusom je nedostatok špáradiel v modeli - postarajte sa o moje prsty)
    Kovová pružina je oveľa chladnejšia ako gumený motor, len háčik na upevnenie by bol autentickejší.
    Z nuáns si všímam pružinovú račňu naťahovania (det. 51) - napriek hustému mazaniu vnútorné ozubenie (det. 50) olizovalo okraje pohyblivých zubov račne, v dôsledku čoho sa ozubenie prestalo opierať o zuby. Dočasne sa problém vyriešil vložením niekoľkých triesok pod zuby, aby sa zlepšil kontakt ozubeného kolesa so zubami.
    Prajem veľa úspechov pri vývoji nových modelov!!! Dúfam, že sa objavia zložitejšie modely, väčšie ako váš kabriolet alebo roadster! Ďakujem!
    Vedúci predajne
    Damian ďakujeme, že ste sa podelili svojimi dojmami. Pekný deň!
    Model som zostavil sám, a mi on ak aj proces montáže veľmi sa páči. Urobil som malú úpravu dizajnu, pretože som mal vždy stlačené štartovacie tlačidlo, odstránil som gumičku, ktorá podporuje tento mechanizmus. A tak sa mi model veľmi páči!
    Ďakujem celému tímu Ugears za všetky tieto modely, ktoré robíte!
    Vedúci predajne
    Robert ďakujeme, že ste sa podelili svojimi dojmami. Pekný deň!
    Podľa môjho názoru jedno z najlepších historických automobilov v rade Ugears. Veľa mechaniky, zaujímavá, realistická možnosť otvorenia strechy, praskajúci motor a oveľa viac.
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